48 Quart Cedar Cooler
Holds up to 76 cans
Item # 200
70 Quart Cedar Cooler
Holds up to 98 cans
Item #202
70 Quart Cedar Cooler With Shelves
Item #210
Price includes: 10" Texas emblem, 2 side handles, 1 lid handle, 6 attached wheels.
70 Quart 1"x6" Treated Pine
Item #201 $265.00
Price includes: 2 metal handles, 4 wheels, 1 iron bottle opener.
Add wheels to your cooler
70 Quart Cedar Cooler with double shelves.
Item #203
100 Quart Cedar Cooler
Holds up to 140 cans
Item #204
120 Quart Cedar Cooler
Holds up to 188 cans
Item #205
150 Quart Big Texas Cooler
Holds up to 250 cans
Item #207
70 Quart Cedar Cooler With Shelves
Item #212
48 Quart Cedar Cooler With Shelves
48 Quart Cedar Cooler With Shelves
Item #215 $225.00
Price includes: 10" Texas iron emblem, 2 side iron handles, 1 iron lid handle, 4 attached wheels, old iron bottle
opener and drain spout.
48 Quart Cedar Cooler With Shelves
Put a Tiki Bar around your cooler.
Item #240 - $270.00
6'w x 42"h x 18"d